We went to Nana and Papas house over New Years. Jack was able to visit with his BFF cousin Emily and they had a blast. As always, the visit was too short.
Jack loves to clean (yes, you heard me)! I can't wait to show him photos of him cleaning as a 2 year old when he is a teenager. Anyway, his favorite gift was the new vacuum and some other cleaning items that he received. He cleaned Nana and Papas house all weekend. Cousin Emily brought him some bowling balls and pins that are super loud (thanks for that Aunt Carolyn) that he loves as well.
We finally took down the Christmas decorations and are happy to be back in the swing of 'normal' life. Jack is still talking about Santa though :)
Hey Jack.....do you want to come to my house? I could use your help! Love the pictures! He looks so happy! I miss him!!