The 3 cousins had a good time with Jack. Amanda shared her toys, and Megan and Katie followed him around everywhere he went and were excellent babysitters! We would really like to see them more often, I think the kids would really enjoy each other. Mr. and Mrs. McKeel have been extremely supportive of Jack and his adoption. They actually had a picture of him on the fridge - which kind of teared me up a bit. They also treated us to lunch at a pretty cool place (thanks!) that had a lot of history behind it. Bill is a history nerd so he loved the story and has mentioned it several times since.
On the way home, we had promised Jackson a trip to Build a Bear. He loved it! He picked out a monkey and a Washington Capitals hockey outfit. Since he brought the monkey home, he has carried it everywhere. Long term rewards now = Build a Bear outfits for monkey (yeah, his name is monkey)!